Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Welcome Another Reviewer!

Introducing Patrick Michael, author of the blogs Forcing the Issue and Doin' Sh*t with Pat.
For a few years Patrick and I have been poking at each other to write more and better and bigger and it hasn't been until recently that this has come to fruition.  I owe a lot to Patrick for not giving up on my writing and continuing to persevere.

I have invited Patrick to participate in the Kronicles of KD so we can see his unique perspective of the books he reads and the movies he watches.  Patrick reads a variety of books in ranges that are so so different than my husband's and mine that I thought it was would an awesome addition to the blog.  Patrick even has an idea in mind for his first post, I'm excited to read it!

In other news...I just finished re-reading Matthew Reilly's book Contest and am reading Ice Station again.  There's another book that's waiting for me - Lionheart by Sharon Kay Penman, I can't bring myself to pick it up yet though because once I do I know I won't put it down until I'm done.  She takes so much time to research her books that it's years and years before they come out so I want to savor this one.  Also re-watched Lord of the Rings, extended edition, in blue ray this time.  Was awesome.

Until next time everyone!


  1. We have differing tastes in books, movies and music and I look forward to discussing it all here.

    Thanks~ I'll be posting a review shortly.

  2. Yes, yes we do. Wildly different which is why I'm excited you joined Kronicles of KD and I'm waiting with baited breath for your first review (and many more to come)! : - )
