Friday, June 22, 2012

Prometheus - D

Yeah not so much
OK so a little while ago my wife (K) and I went to see Prometheus. We were both pretty excited for one of those few movies that make it so you understand why horror/sci-fi are often grouped together in video stores (yes some of those still exist!). We wanted a great thriller in space, like Event Horizon, or Pitch Black (both excellent films). This was originally billed as a "prequel to Alien" until Ridley Scott backed out of it and gave the whole "Same universe, different story" interview, this of course was complete bullshit. In all fairness I was never a huge fan of the original Alien trilogy, but I was definitely looking forward to a intense sci-fi thriller, and boy howdy was I ever let down. If you're a big fan of the series by all means you'll probably like it, a lot of people have. If you're hoping for an intelligent thriller, well you should just skip it, or at least wait till it hits those video stores and find a local one to support. (SPOILERS ABOUND BELOW)

Update: I saw this and found it to be both hilarious and accurate :)