Sunday, January 8, 2012

Introduction to a (More Than) Avid Reader

You've heard avid readers talk about their libraries, right?  Stacks of books, overflowing bookshelves, hardback, paperback, signed hardback, fiction, non-fiction....fantasy over there, mystery over here, romance over yonder....

Yeah, that's me.  Except, my bookshelves aren't quite so messy; they're pretty darn organized.  Plus, every book of mine (except the most recent books I've acquired) are cataloged in an Excel spreadsheet that sorts by author of course, genre naturally, paperback/hardback, and so on and so forth.  I have a page for each genre and the top page is all of the books, I think there's  600+ and that's just what I've counted.  

   As OCD as I am about my spreadsheet, I am almost as much about my bookshelves.  This is just my Paranormal Romance section, Mystery is on the bottom shelf.  Since this picture has been taken the section has exploded.
Go ahead, tell me I could go to the library instead, but that won't work.  I need to own.  Why?  Because I need to be able to re-read whatever I want, whenever I want.  I enjoy the thrill of re-reading a favorite story, having a familiar adventure with a favorite character.  I've also learned that Powell's (used bookstore) is a girl's best friend.  Yes, I still buy some books brand new, but if I'm filling in a book series that I don't have every book in, I run there, or if it's an author I'm not sure of, Powell's is where make my purchase.  Still, I haven't tried a new author all on my own in forever.  I've got multiple authors that I keep up on already and I don't like wasting my time on unknowns, or the possibility that I'll fall in love with said new author.  Still, I have a couple co-workers who slay me when it comes to new authors.  At least with them I usually get to borrow, and then cringe when I'm in the mood to re-read.

The last, simple and other reason I own?  I will cry when books go away.  Boycotting e-books I am.  There is a need in me to feel the heaviness of a book, be it paperback or hardback.  A need to turn the pages.  To cry a little when my mom cracks the spine.  To smell the paper and the glue of the binding.  It's a ritual for me to walk into a bookstore and take a deep breath and let the atmosphere soak in.  It makes a bad day good and a good day better to have visited a bookstore.  So my goal is to have a real library, full of books, many popular, some obscure but everything that I love.

The coming posts will be reviews of books/authors I'm reading or even just re-reading.  Why shouldn't I share my thoughts, I do read so much anyway?

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