Friday, May 4, 2012

Hanna - K

Hanna - circa 2011, a movie I was actually interested in going to the theatre to see, but as we've cut down on our at theatre movie intake, managed to refrain.  Tonight, watched it on our On Demand.  Short summary plot - girl grows up trained as an assassin and is set loose for a specific purpose.

For certainty I can say that Saoirse Ronan as Hanna did an amazing job both acting and in her action scenes and Eric Bana as Erik swung his usual performance, and he wasn't mailing it in.  Cate Blanchett though: terrible performance as CIA, just flat terrible.  I even read in the imdb trivia that a former CIA agent was brought in to consult for Cate's character, but there is no way I'd believe her as CIA, or even someone who handles a gun, period.  The backups get high marks, Jessica Barden as Sophie, watching the movie you'd never guess in reality she's almost 20.  Tom Holland as Isaacs pulls off a CIA lacky much better than Blanchett pulls off the CIA.

Eric Bana's acting may be up to par, but one of his fight scenes was choreographed so horribly that it looked like they were all dancing.  Dancing!  A fight scene!  Really?!

Also - imagery at the end was totally unnecessary and actually made me feel for a minute that I was in the middle of a John Woo movie and was waiting for the doves.

Plot Spoilers:
Since I can't write about what's wrong with the plot, without including spoilers, I'm going to tell you now....if you want to read the rest, it's going to include plot points. So, here's your warning.  The content below could include spoilers.

Do you hate a movie that you watch then walk out saying "well, it had so much potential"?  Yeah?  Well, I do too, and Hanna was one of those, at least for me.  If only the plot in Hanna hadn't broken, x, x, and x, it would have been a good movie.  Oh, and these aren't in particular order:

1. So Erik raised Hanna because Hanna's mother died, but why did he have to raise her to be what she was bred to be?  Why did it have to be Hanna that went after Marissa?  Couldn't Erik have just ended that years before so Hanna didn't have to deal with all that crap?

2. They never gave a good reason for "The Program" being ended.  Sorry, but if you're going to "destroy" all the experiments, especially at age two, twenty kids at that, you're going to need a good reason.

3. Neither Hanna nor Erik anticipated Marissa sending in a decoy - c'mon.  Marissa knows that Erik knows that it was her, she's going to suspect that something's weird when the kid asks for her.  Sure, they anticipated it with the questions, but Erik should have known about the electronics/listening devices that could have been used.

4. So Erik uses a "transponder" to call in his location from the middle of nowhere, the CIA picks it up 13+ years later, but, Eric fled the car scene with just Hanna, so where did he get the transponder and how, by Hanna just flipping a switch, would they know it was him?

5. Inside the house at the end, why did Hanna run away?  Sure, she tells Marissa she's "done with hurting people" but that's a random flip, especially because Hanna can probably tell her dad is dead, and she just walked into someone else she thought of as an ally and he'd been got dead by Marissa and her people.  Instead of staying to fight - she grabs one arrow and runs?

Acting was decent, not high grade, not the worst I've ever seen (although Blanchett's made me cringe).  The random stuff was annoying, and the plot fell apart even before it started.  All-in-all, stay away. I wouldn't watch it again, nor would I recommend it to anyone, even one that was interested in semi-decent free B action movies.  What I will watch out for is more movies with Saoirse Ronan and cry a little over the potential that Hanna could have been, but never was.

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