Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Olympus Has Fallen - K

To be fair, I wasn't horribly interested in seeing Olympus Has Fallen, but we needed a good theatre diversion after having gone through the likes of the new wanna be Die Hard where Bruce Willis (my favorite action actor ever) mailed it in, and the new GI Joe where expectations were not high and still we were rocked (and not in a good way).  So, we wanted a neutral movie. And, neutral is what we got. 

Actually, thinking back on it, the plot seems almost Die Hardesque – former Secret Service Agent, not supposed to be there that day, but got suspicious, ended up being the only man that could save the day….

Decent.  Gerard Butler is generally enjoyable to watch and believable in his roles.  He was here. Aaron Eckhart wasn’t terrible as President, although it took me a few minutes to get over seeing him as Harvey Dent.  Really, not much more to say.

The Plot
The threads unraveled for me quickly.  I wasn't looking for a tight movie plot; I wasn't looking for a great, or even a highly explosive movie.   But I always prefer something that doesn't make me go “umm…that would never happen” and I don’t mean explosions or invasions, ‘cause I’m always willing to suspend belief for that, but when it’s something as simple and as broad as “The United States does not negotiate with terrorists” but, in this movie they do?  Yeah, that drops me right out of the movie and makes the rest of it completely uncomfortable because, well the rest of it (the other parts of the plot I didn't like) wouldn't have happened if they hadn't done the other first. 


However, I will go back to what I originally said – we needed a good diversion, and as such, it worked.  Now, did I need to see it in theatre?  No.  Would I rent it?  No.  Would I recommend renting it?  Only if you were desperate for an action flick.  Would I recommend DVR?  Yes.  Would I change the channel if it were on TV.  No.  That’s all I got, folks.  

1 comment:

  1. That doesn't sound like a stellar action flick - thanks for the review!
